
16 Billion

According to the statistics, 16 billion paper cups are used for coffee every single year, which leads to 6.5 million trees being cut down, and 4 billion gallons of water going to waste. Outin Nano comes with its own reusable cup, reducing the amount of non-degradable environmental waste. For every Outin brew, 1 paper cup can be saved, which reduces CO2 emissions by approximately 1kg over the course of a year.

Sustainable Manufacturing

Fighting For Carbon Emissions

Coffee Farmer Supports

Eco-friendly Materials

ABS plastic, an opaque thermoplastic recyclable plastic, is used for the body of our products. Food-grade ABS plastics are FDA food safe approved. ABS Plastic is able to withstand multiple heating and cooling and boasts reasonable production costs for a robust, aesthetically pleasing construction. It is eco-friendly and has low thermal and electrical conductivity, which is particularly helpful for products that require electrical insulation protection.

No more Coffee Queues

Everyone has experience the long lines at the counter of a coffee shop. Based on 2021’s customer research in America, the average time for waiting for a coffee at coffee shops is around 6 minutes.  With Outin, you’re your own barista. No more long queues, and a delicious cup of joe? Yes, please. 

Carbon Neutral Supply Chains

Our goal is to reach carbon neutrality across our entire footprint by 2030 — including our supply chain and the energy required to use our products. To do this, we’re committed to transitioning our entire supply chain to 100 percent renewable energy, while also ensuring that our suppliers’ facilities are as energy efficient as possible. Over the last year, we have more than doubled the number of suppliers that have committed to running their Outin production on renewable energy, accelerating progress toward our goal.



Battery Stability

Batteries store chemical energy and convert it to electrical energy, which can be thought of as the flow of electrons from one place to another. Our R&D team devoted tremendous time to upgrading battery tech in order to minimize the weight of the device while stabilizing the battery. With countless prototypes, our team changed the structure of the battery pack and changed 7,800 mAh to 7,500 mAh while doubling the stability of the battery. Although our updated battery is mini-core, max power can brew 5 times with cold water and over 100 times with hot water, which is a crucial step for a more sustainable energy supply.

Recyclable Packaging Design

The packaging of our products is recyclable using sustainable paper, which can save natural resources, save energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For every 1000 happy Outin customers, around about 12 to 31 trees are saved.

All Taste, No Waste. Save the World with Outin.

Reduce, Reuse, Refill your cups.

Low-carbon Project

Battery stores chemical energy and converts it to electrical energy, which can be thought of as the flow of electrons from one place to another in the 21st century. Our R&D team devoted tremendous time to upgrading tech in order to minimize the weight of the device while stabilizing the battery. With countless efforts in developing it, our team changed the structure of the battery pack and changed 7,800 mAh to 7,500 mAh while doubling the stability. Although our updated battery is mini-core, max power can brew 5 times with cold water and over 100 times with hot water, which is crucial step for a more sustainable energy supply for the world environment.

Indigenous Coffee Farmers Support

From the Paper Recycling report 2021,17 trees saved by recycling 1 are ton of paper can absorb a total of 250 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the air, elsewhere about 80% of what Americans throw away is recyclable, yet our recycling rate is only 28%. The packaging of OUTIN Nano is recyclable using sustainable paper, which can save natural resources, save energy, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In order to our 1000 happy customers, around about 12 to 31 trees are saved.

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